
090411 【视频】King's Brunch


090412 Share_The_World_[3m14s]♪



I Believe ひとつの明日へ
I Believe还有明天

Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one dream
Come on let's go everybody oh we share the good time
Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world

暗暗迷い込み 手探り谜解き

行き先 见えずに 立ち止まる时

Umm you and me yes 気持ち分かち合う世界に
Umm you and me yes 将共享想法的世界

导き I feel the beat 歩き出して Oh yeah
幻化成了引导的人行道I feel the beat是应该要迈开步子了Oh yeah

Share the world いつだって
Share the world 无论何时

Share the one dream 信じ合って
Share the one dream 相互信任

Share the good time 手をつないで
Share the good time 握住双手

Share the one world one now



今こそ越えて行こう I believe
现在已经是超越了言语I believe

ひとつの明日へ Yeah yeah
还有明天Yeah yeah

Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one dream
Come on let's go everybody oh we share the good time
Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world

追いかけ追われて メビウスの环の上

近づき前向き ねぇ Shareしたいよ Style

始まる広がる 想像以上このFlavor

身体中 I feel so good 自由になれる Oh yeah
身体深处 I feel so good 能够自由自在Oh yeah

Share the world 远くたって
Share the world 即使遥远

Share the one dream 伝え合って
Share the one dream 相互传递

Share the good time そう笑って
Share the good time 那样的微笑

Share the one world one now



今こそ越えて行こう I believe
现在已经是超越了言语I believe

ひとつの明日へ Yeah yeah
还有明天Yeah yeah



もうすぐに届くから I believe
即将会到达了 I believe

ひとつの明日へ Yeah yeah
因为还有明天Yeah yeah

Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music
Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world

a-nation'09 Schedule公布

4.25 MUSIC FAIR 放送

090409 【视频】Mnet Wide Styleoo





本星期的Asian People



090411 【视频】回SM公司


090411 【视频】KHB ひるまにあん


090409 【视频】Channel-a Fashion event


B-pass 最佳约会地点



日本唱片协会3月份金唱片认定 东方神起

090411 ORICON album榜单

土 日 月 火 水 木  金
-- -- -- -- -- *1→*1 刚紫 「美我空 -ビガク ~my beautiful sky」
-- -- -- *1 *1 *2→*2 湘南乃风 「湘南乃风 ~JOKER~」
-- -- -- *2 *2 *4→*4 松任谷由実 「そしてもう一度梦见るだろう」
*2 *2 *2 *4 *4 *5→*5 浜崎あゆみ 「NEXT LEVEL」
*4 *5 *3 *9 *9 *6→*6 东方神起 「The Secret Code」
-- -- -- *6 10 13↑*7 中村悠一 他 「マクロスF ドラマCD 娘ドラ◎ ドラ1」
*5 *4 *4 *8 *6 *7\*8 V.A. 「银魂BEST」
*3 *3 *5 10 *8 *9→*9 レミオロメン 「レミオベスト」
*6 *6 *6 11 12 12/10 Utada 「This Is The One」
-- -- -- *7 *7 11→11 かりゆし58 「でーじ、かりゆし」
10 12 10 14 11 10\12 V.A. 「I Love You」
-- -- -- *5 *5 *8↓13 黒木メイサ 「hellcat」
*7 *7 *7 13 13 14→14 JUJU 「What's Love?」
*8 *8 *8 15 14 15→15 RADWIMPS 「アルトコロニーの定理」
12 10 11 19 19 16→16 幸田来未 「KODA KUMI DRIVING HIT'S」
*9 *9 *9 16 17 17→17 BoA 「BEST&USA」
-- -- -- -- -- --↑18 イタリア(浪川大辅) 「ヘタリア AXIS POWERS キャラクターCD Vol.1 イタリア」
-- -- -- 17 20 29↑19 Rie fu 「URBAN ROMANTIC」
-- -- -- -- -- 18\20 イングリット・フジコ・ヘミング 「永远のカンパネラ ~ザ・ベスト・オブ・イングリット・フジコ・ヘミング」
13 17 15 30 23 25↑21 アンジェラ・アキ 「ANSWER」
18 15 13 32 28 28↑22 幸田来未 「OUT WORKS & COLLABORATION BEST」 16 14 14 27 29 30↑23 Aqua Timez 「うたい去りし花」
-- -- -- 12 15 22\24 鹤 「情热CD」
-- -- -- -- -- --↑25 リベラ 「祈り~あなたがいるから」
-- -- -- 23 16 19↓26 布施明 「Ballade Ⅱ」 22 19 19 40 35 31↑27 EXILE 「EXILE BALLAD BEST」
-- -- -- 24 25 34↑28 カイト 「サイエンス・フォー・ザ・リヴィング」
14 13 12 31 26 24↓29 FUNKY MONKEY BABYS 「ファンキーモンキーベイビーズ3」 15 18 16 36 31 32/30 ユニコーン 「I LOVE UNICORN ~FAN BEST~」
42 41 24 49 -- 40\42 东方神起 「T」



最近盛传的东方神起成员秘奇有天在机场抢粉丝相机的事情 国内外很多媒体给予的负面报道


后来经过一番对机场人員的解释,有天走进CHECK IN区并把相机交給已经CHECK IN的神起团的职员(应該是要把照片刪掉。只要是神起饭都会知道他們都会这样做。)



(後來一些和這篇敘述沒啥關係所以我就沒翻譯了。再一次對我的翻譯真敢抱歉……*鞠躬*) 原文來自:sharingyoochun.wordpress.com

Here’s a fanaccount of what really happen by an eye witness there:

What really happened was that the fan keep taking pictures anddisturbing them so Yoochun grab her hand to push her camera down. Hetold her to stop and he will return the camera to her later so she letgo and let him have it. Yoochun did not snatch it. The airport man inred snatch it from Yoochun when he is trying to pass it to a DBSK staffbehind them (probably to help him delete the pictures). Yoochun have noidea why the airport staff suddenly took it from him so he snatch itback saying he have to give it back to the girl later. At this point wesaw Junsu’s face also showed that he was surprised why that man tookthe camera from Yoochun. In the end after a short but loud explanation (those of us near thatarea can hear since he have to speak louder over the noise) to the maleairport staff, Yoochun walk into the checked in area and pass thecamera to another DBSK staff who have already checked in (again..probably to delete the pictures. Fans will know this is what they do,)

Some of us fans have seen that girl many times.Unlike most of us, she kept taking pictures of them in their face andinvades their personal space. It’s very rude and most of us fans willnot do it. Normally fans will just wait outside music program venue tosee them or wait at airport to send them off. Most of the time you canhear us telling them to have a safe journey and things like that. Weusually keep our distant so as to not disturb them unless we need topass them gifts! DBSK members actually are quite nice to their fan.They don’t mind our presences or us taking picture as long as we don’tblock them, don’t grab them or take pictures in their face. DBSK willat most just walk away quickly when they are not in the mood.

As far as the group of us fans who see them often, DBSK members havenever hurt any fans before or snatch their things even when some fansare being really rude. They mostly just push camera away, walk awayquickly or ask their staffs for help. Most of the time people startrumours about them being rude or hurting fans based on videos orpictures. They are not there and do not know what actually happened.Videos and pictures can be deceiving.

Me and my friends clearly saw the girl letting go of her cameraafter Yoochun talk to her. I’m actually not much a DBSK fan but my 2flatmates are, so I often get dragged along on their “DBSK Adventure”after our class. But fan or not, I don’t think it is fair the boysoften get blamed for something they did not do so I just want people tonot jump to conclusion just base on videos or pictures.


090410 【视频】Evening4 俊秀昌珉广岛四辑宣传


大米看好中国市场 将继续投资中国网站


新浪娱乐讯 北京时间4月9日消息 日前 来南京开展第三次亚洲巡演“东方神起THE 3rd ASIA TOUR CONCERT-MIROTIC"的韩国超人气团体一东方神起成员秘奇有天在接受采访时表示看好中国互联网市场 表示下一步在大陆的投资已经有了眉目 具体细节正在商谈中 这将代表东方神起成员已摆脱娱乐圈内发展而转向更多领域寻求突破

超人气组合东方神起人气现在可算在全亚洲如日中天 而团体中成员不仅舞台上魅力无敌 在舞台下也颇具投资头脑 今年年初 东方神起成员细亚俊秀和秘奇有天携带着共同投资的某化妆品品牌正式在北京召开新闻发布会并为之宣传 当记者问及由艺人转向投资人身份转变的感受时 神起成员秘奇有天表示 想在完成好本职工作的同时 也想尝试更多不同领域的挑战 其投资的化妆品品牌现在发展势头良好 并表示下一步投资目标将把目光放在中国的互联网产业 目前已经初步谈妥相关事项 当被问及具体是哪个网站时 其表示目前还不便透露更多信息 但透露将是一个教程式的专业垂直网站 其题材为公益类免费服务性质 后记者问及投资后他所担任的职位以及神起其他成员会不会一起进行投资合作时 秘奇表示初期将仅仅出任投资合伙人 并不负责具体事项 神起其他4位成员则表示 如果以后有机会也会尝试进行投资